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GEOLINKS International Conference 2019, Book 2



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Assiya Agumbayeva, Abdirov Yergalym


Despite on industrialization is the key to wealth but it affects our environment and contributes to climate change. Industrialization involves technological innovations and the economic transformation of the human society. Industrialisation causes the challenges in the environment by raising of higher temperatures, extreme weather conditions, water and land quality as a result as well as decreasing the number of rare animals. All these issues show us that industrialization must take into account climate change and its consequences. This paper examined the links between industrialization and climate change and attempted to address some arguments which always come up when the effects of human beings on climate change is discussed.
The article is devoted to the modernization of the economy, the main directions of which are the new industrialization and the formation of a post-industrial (information) economy based on higher technological structures. It is noted that the modernization processes should eventually allow moving from the export-raw material strategy of the country's economy to innovation. At the same time, they should be accompanied by social and environmental effects through the development of environmentally friendly economic activities, the use of "green" innovative technologies and environmentally friendly equipment. In this regard, the article discusses the approaches of the main technological powers (USA, China, Japan, CIS (Kazakhstan, Russia)) which have just started the transition to neo-industrialization, and those countries that already have accumulated experience in this direction.
This article discusses the role of the developing world in ensuring global environmental security. Many countries around the world are committed to reducing the environmental burden of industry. (Germany, France, etc.). However, despite the diversity of countries and the diversity of their economies, environmental degradation has a common component and is associated with the development of an industrial society with its inherent value orientations to increase growth rates. However, for many scientists, solving environmental problems is important not only for ensuring environmental sustainability, but also for maintaining long-term economic growth. This position raises the question of the need for developing countries to move to a new model of “eco-industrial" revolution. In this regard, this article will consider two opposite sides of the problem of the impact of new industrialization on the level of environmental quality. This article is devoted to the problem of climate change through the discussion of the ongoing new industrialization in the world, the current state in solving the problem on a global scale. At the same time, the article offers a discussion of the opposite opinion on the relationship between new industrialization and economic growth reducing the burden on the environment. This discussion is a new direction of this study for the upcoming study.



industrialisation, weather changing, climate change, GHG (green house gases), policy.

GEOLINKS International Conference, Conference Proceedings, ISSN 2603-5472, ISBN 978-619-7495-03-4, NEW INDUSTRIALIZATION`S INNOVATIONAL IMPACT ON CLIMATE CHANGE, 79-86 pp, DOI paper 10.32008/GEOLINKS2019/B2/V1/08
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